ep. 99: Convert Your Audience into Clients

There I was wearing a red and white and cow print Mrs. Claus dress offering customers samples of brownies at Chick-fil-A Giving samples qualified those customers to go to the next step with me and buy a brownie.

Today we are diving in head first to how to invite YOUR audience to take the next step with you…becoming a paid client!

As business owners, we are content creators. We create short-form and long-form content. Short-form content is a few seconds of attention-grabbing video usually on social media. Recently I read a stat that said our attention spans in 2023 are only 5 seconds!! Crazy stat!

I’m not here to tell you you shouldn’t do short-form content. There’s a place for it, but on this podcast episode today I want to give you the case for long-form content.

Long-form content is content that is 1000 words or over and it can be a blog post, a video on YouTube or a podcast episode.

Long-form such as a podcast is where people can really get to know you, to hear your stories, to connect to you on an emotional level.

According to Entrepreneur magazine, “podcasting has grown into a powerful marketing and content-generating medium today”

You may have heard that people reason their purchases logically but buy emotionally. People want to connect on an emotional level. As they are listening to you through your podcast, they are going to connect with you on a deeper and emotional level. Think about the podcasts that you listen to. The hosts are your BFF (AE) aren’t they? ME. TOO! And, it is because podcasting forms an intimate connection between listeners and the host. SUPER EXCITING, HUH???

And I will tell you that you may not convert that listener after they listen to one episode (that has happened) … but long-form content is where the depth is and where the connection is like a magnet to you.

The next time you grab a sample at the mall, remember that they are setting you up to be a long-time customer. And, if it’s Chick fit A I’m proud to hold that title!

Can’t wait to hear what you think about today’s episode. Email me or send me a DM on FB or Insta!

I’m here for YOU!

Want to know more? - DM me on Instagram or FB

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Wren Robbins Podcast Coaching