ep. 114: The Truth I Started Believing This Year

James 1:17 states “Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.”

I think we can all agree that everything good comes straight from the Lord. Everything is grace.

I love giving and receiving gifts at Christmastime. It reminds us that Jesus is the “unspeakable gift!” born to us so that we could be restored to God, whose close relationship with us was lost in the garden. Thank you, Lord!

I’ve been thinking about how I’m not the same person I was in July. Recently, God revealed to me what the gift He gave me was… It was the mindset shift….that I COULD change.

I DID NOT have to stay stuck as a disorganized person.

I DID NOT have to be the girl who struggled with time management.

I DID NOT have to struggle with self-doubt. I COULD CHANGE.

I think it was a blindspot I had and that I was cleverly deceived FOR YEARS….

Maybe due to the reliance on the Enneagram personality system. Maybe I was just accepting that I’m this personality type so I could not change. Whatever the reason, oh, how wrong I was!

Thank you, Lord, for opening my eyes to see that I could uncover this lie and find clarity from my foggy thoughts. So, this is my gift from 2023: I can change. And you can, too.

You don’t have to go into 2024 being the person you’ve always been. You can change.

What was the gift God gave you in 2023? Maybe it was a truth you started believing…like me.

Set a timer for 5 minutes and dwell on what your gift was this year.

I love you, friend. My podcast listeners are just the best. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! See you next week in the NEW YEAR!! I’m so fired up for 2024 and to do what God has called me and what He’s called YOU to do!

Let’s do this!

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