ep. 174: Brittany Price Brooker: Brokenhearted but Carried by God, Hope in the Midst of Loss of Spouse-Having an Eternal Perspective, and Blended Families

5 kids 6 and under, Brittany Price Brooker is a mom and wife married to Daniel Brooker. She went through a devastating loss of her first husband, and was left to raise 3 boys on her own. But, God. Brittany dove in deep to the lovingkindness of the Lord and sought him for her healing in the midst of her grief. She walks us through the times of darkness, but offers HOPE through Jesus! Listen to this amazing episode.


I have never felt the presence of the Living God in such an enormous way.

God hears the cries of the prayers of His people.

I would not know the tender love of God in the way that I do unless I had walked through the darkest valleys and the hardest places.

With grief everything looks the same on the outside, but inside nothing is the same.

When I look back to those seasons, I didn’t do it, God did it.

When we humble ourselves before God, He literally shows up in a way that only He can.

When everything else crumbles, we fall upon the Rock of Ages, the One who stays secure.

When you are in the lowest darkest, darkest places, we have to look up.

There is hope even in the darkest places and by God’s grace may we always live every breath proclaiming that very hope.

Death broke me, and this has humbled me.

There are some breakthroughs that only come through fasting and praying.

A lot of the breakthrough happened in our hearts of releasing dreams of what I thought a blended family would look like, and picking up the dream that God gave me.

Brokenness can be beautiful even when it’s not all whole, yet.

He holds you through the hurt and in the healing.

What comes out of my mouth, out of my mind, are affected by what I consume.

When I am not spending time with the Lord, my perspective is faltering.

There is no wasted time in the presence of God.

When we fix our eyes on Jesus, it broadens our entire range of what we are looking at. Our perspective is then on His glory, His purpose,

“Scripture teaches that”

Just because it’s hidden doesn’t mean that it’s not holy.

A lot of times God does the holy things in the hidden places that He calls us to.

Dying to dreams and expectations and asking God what is your expectation for this season?

Sometimes we equate doing things for God as serving God and being closer to God but really God is after our heart and the attitude of our heart in all things.

It’s not holier to speak on stage, than it is to disciple your kids in the hidden dark places that nobody sees.

Green grapes-

Nothing is too little to bring to God.

There’s no shortcuts to the valley of the shadow of death.

Fuel your soul.

The most precious times of my entire life were in the darkest parts of my life.

There are treasures in the darkness if you have eyes to see it.

If you cry out to God, He will speak.

The devil will steal, kill, and destroy but he did not win.

Death does not have the final say, Jesus does.


Eat: Arugula, Avocado, and green grapes

Love: Slow mornings

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FB @brittanypricebrooker

WIdow’s Retreat: neveralonewidows.com


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