ep. 207: How to Flourish in Between the Complicated & Hard with Melinda Patrick

In 2007, Melinda Patrick found herself going through a divorce that she didn’t want. Thinking she had done #allthethings a good, Christian wife was “supposed” to do, she realized that this was an example of mankind’s free will being exercised. The day after her family (they had a 13 yr-old and 16-yr-old) moved into the home she and her husband had designed and built themselves, he walked out.

Reeling, she remembers thinking “I don’t understand.”

Melinda’s story is both heartbreaking and mesmerizing; alternately filled with pain and promise. Throughout the process of her divorce, one piece of Scripture was especially life-giving:

The Spirit of God has made me;

    the breath of the Almighty gives me life. Job 33:4

Being able to walk through the situation with a good friend who was also going through the same thing was so helpful. She took advantage of Chrisitan counseling, as well, and found herself leaving bits of Scripture all over the house and car on index cards.

Looking back, she realized how God was protecting her and her children during the three long years it took to finalize their divorce. She had been eager to be married again, and most likely would have rushed into something too soon had she been able. The time allowed her to work through the stages of grief at an unhurried and productive pace.

She also shared with me a fascinating story of trusting God with her job and finances that you will want to hear for yourself!

Through months and months of Bible study, prayer, solitude, fasting, and other spiritual disciplines, late in 2008, Melinda finally opened her doors to other women who needed to understand what it was like to seek the Lord in silence. (What lucky women!)

What Second Chances Looked Like

Melinda goes on to tell her story:

MP: In the summer of 2012, I met my current husband, Ron. I had been single for 5 years and was in a good place in my life. I wasn’t pursuing a relationship, but my girlfriends introduced us, and after much insistence, I finally met him for dinner one night. I came to the restaurant fully intending to pay, insisting it wasn’t a date, etc. But five months later to the day, we were married!

Fast forward ahead, and in August of 2020 my first husband, Michael, developed cancer and was given 6 months to live. The kids and I stepped up and helped care for him. At this point, I had forgiven him, and Ron and I and my daughters all became part of Michael’s final days. What a fleshing-out of forgiveness and mercy that our daughters were able to see…and a true gift for future generations in our family.

I had prayed for Michael’s salvation years ago and realized that, at the end, God had answered my prayer!

How to flourish in life, even while walking through “the beautiful hard”

  • Start pressing into God right where you are!

  • Practice sitting in the silence so that God can speak to you

  • Practice spiritual disciplines in our daily life

Melinda learned so much from walking through “the beautiful hard.” If this concept is something you or someone you know could relate to, let me encourage you to take a listen.

And if you can’t relate, then take a listen and see what God may be whispering about in your ear…


Melinda is eating… Jalapeno pimento cheese sandwiches at a local favorite restaurant

Melinda is reading…  Once Upon a Wardrobe by Patti Callahan

Melinda is loving… Playing the piano again, after an almost-35-yr hiatus!

Listen to the entire interview here. (insert episode link here)

Listen to Melinda’s podcast “Even While” here (insert podcast link here)

Her website: ​​http://melindapatrick.org/

Download her freebie about being in silence with God

Reach out to her on Instagram @melindahpatrick/

And on Facebook @melindahpatrick (Melinda Patrick, speaker)

And feel free to reach out to me, too, on Instagram @friendsofafeatherpodcast