ep. 148: Mentoring our Kids-Becoming a Single Mom-Practical Tips for Single Moms

This is episode 148 with my guest Emily Kacyvenski! 
Emily is a mom, teacher, and friend.  She started following Jesus as a 21 year old, got married, and adopted her daughter MJ when she was a little over a year old.  

Emily has walked through a heartbreaking time when her husband decided that he did not want to be married anymore.  Emily attributes the grace of God for meeting her right where she was….she said, “I was in such a state of desperation and God allowed me to see He was the only way I was going to get through this.” 

 I can’t wait for you to hear from Emily.  We also talk about having and being a mentor, unexpected plans and being a single mom.  Find out the two things Emily’s mentor said for her to do that were game changers, ya’ll.  And you can integrate into your life today no matter if you are a mom or not. 

Verses: Isaiah 43 and Isaiah 54    


Quotes from the episode:

“We have two choice, we can choose to go to Christ in a crisis, or we can choose to go away.”

“…And that’s the grace of God to allow me to do that.”

“I don’t know a day without a mentor.”

“Everywhere you go, you should have someone pouring into you, speaking truth, speaking love, speaking Jesus.”

“I have the highest privilege of mentoring my own daughter.”

“We are mentors for our children.”

“You are raising a generation changer.”

“Don’t give up hope, He alone can truly meet our needs.”

“Find a hobby that ‘s healthy for you.”

“I can’t fix anyone else, but I can help you be the healthiest version of yourself.”

“Ritualistically spend time with God.  Do not compromise that time.  Keep that time with the Lord to refresh yourself.”

“Always give your kids a voice.”

“Play. Have fun with your kids.”


Be healthy. 

Go to counseling

Find a hobby

Spend time with God. 

Have an inner circle of friends who are praying for you.

Be intentional about taking care of yourself and your kids. 


E: Soup/Cozy Food

R: Sacred Enneagram/Sweet Magnolia books

L: Time with MJ and running in cooler weather

Thank you for joining me for this conversation today with my friend Emily Kacyvenski.  Would you do me a favor?  Would you share this episode with a friend? Thank you!

 Until next time, Remember, we are all friends of a feather so let’s stick together!  

Hey Feathered Friends! This is episode 148 with my guest Emily Kacyvenski!

Wren Robbins