ep 89: Overcoming the Fixed Mindset

I was going to name this episode “Shift This One Thing in Your Mind and Your Marketing with Thrive” or “Nothing Good Happens When You Do This”

But, what it really is….a Jesus-centered encouraging pep talk.

Last week I taught Kindergarteners the story of Moses found in the Book of Exodus

Moses told God he couldn’t speak well after he obeyed God, and picked up the snake by the tail.

*****Nothing good happens when Moses is focused on himself*****

Is this you? With your long-form content such as your podcast or with your youtube channel, are you concerned about what you can’t do and not what you can?

Moses looked at how he couldn’t speak well. But he didn’t see how he would be a leader for the Israelite people.

5 Things we can learn from Moses about using our voice.

  1. God uses common things and people to show His power. The stick. You. Me.

  2. It is God who does the miracles, not us. No, we are NOT enough as culture tells us.

  3. We can make excuses but God WILL GIVE US what we need.

  4. Fear of man: speaking

  5. Fear of God: He was scared of the snake but he feared God more. (he obeyed and picked up the snake)

Moses couldn’t serve well or walk in his gifts because he was fixating on himself.

Serve first. Steward your gifts well. And leave the results up to God.

Remember I’m here to help you cause life’s too short to just wing it!

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