ep 153: Point of Grace-Overcoming Quiet Insecurities-Applauding Other's Gifts-Get in the Word with Denise Jones

Ep. 153 SHOW NOTES:    

This is episode 153, with one of the gals from the Christian musical group, Point of Grace!
Denise Jones is a wife, mom to two adult sons, an empty nester, and singer in the highly popular music group, Point of Grace.

The women of Point of Grace have provided a soundtrack to our lives for over two decades. With faith-filled, and passionate lyrics, their memorable melodies and soaring harmonies have inspired generations to live boldly and keep God’s love as the foundation of their lives. With over 8 million recordings sold, 3 GRAMMY® nominations, multiple Dove awards, and countless accolades, the story of a few gifted college girls with a simple passion to unite and share their musical gifts for the glory of God continues to evolve and engage thousands of fans, both old and new. Their unique ability to affect audiences with heartfelt song and story is stronger than ever. Each new season of life seems to challenge the trio to reach even higher and dig deeper into their craft, as seen in the musical and lyrical depth of their more recent projects. One can only think that the days ahead are like a burst of light on the horizon, ready to yield even more of the heavenly and timeless artistry we have come to know and love.

Today, Denise shares with us how Point of Grace started, where they got their name from, surprising things she learned about her friends in the group, Shelley and Leigh.  

She gives great advice for us when we struggle with quiet insecurities that no one knows about.  Denise and I talk about a struggle she had about 10 years ago of comparing herself to others and struggling with insecurity. 

And, if you want to hear Denise’s favorite Point of Grace song AND hear her sing it, listen in!! 


Quotes from the episode:

From a C.S. Lewis book, “We as Christians live everyday at the point of God’s Grace.”

“I would have never thought she questioned her validity to our group.”

“It’s a battle everyday.”

“Why did I struggle so hard with that?”

“I think I’m learning to recognize it quicker than I used to.”

“I recognize that thought of what am I gonna do with that thought?”

“I wasted so many years living in a way, comparing myself, not thinking I’m good enough.”

“She’s that and so I can be this.”

“Recognize peoples gifts and celebrate that gift.”

“Recognize and applaud those other gifts that you see in people instead of coveting those gifts.”

“It sucks the joy out of life and I got tired of that.”
“God’s tone of voice has changed in my life.”

“It’s just not about us.”

“Get in the word.”

“I think the word of God has changed my outlook on life, my outlook of the world, and the outlook of what he thinks of me.”

“Unless we know scriputres, nothing else will change that.”

“The Holy Spirit through His word, will change that.”

“You gotta be in His word, that is first priority.”

“Everyone’s story is a testimony of pointing people to God.”


Practical advice for taking thoughts captive:

1.  Where is that thought coming from?

2.  What is true?

3.  Pray 


Eat Read Love

E: Chips, salsa, and guacamole

R: Kristin Hannah, the Nightingale; Get out of your head, by Jennie Allen

Find her on Instagram and grab Point of Grace’s new book and Christmas DVD, at pointofgrace.net



This is episode 153, with one of the gals from the Christian musical group, Point of Grace! Denise Jones is a wife, mom to two adult sons, an empty nester, and singer in the highly popular music group, Point of Grace.

Thank you for joining me for this conversation today with Denise from Point of Grace!  And, when she started singing, Keep the Candle Burning????  I could hardly keep my composure…anybody else???!!! 


 Connect with Denise on Instagram and Point of Grace’s Instagram

Find Point of Grace on their website at: www.pointofgrace.net


One more thing…Would you do me a favor?  Would you consider sharing this episode with a friend? Someone who loves Point of Grace just as much as you do?


Thank you for listening!  And…remember, we are all friends of a feather so let’s stick together!