ep 123: Dondra Fite: Modern Day Miracles

Hi friend!  Last week I re-aired an episode with Glenna Marshall as she shared her God story of how God has taught her how to study His word asking one specific question, how she dealt with adoptive momma guilt, her families recent church merge, and steps we can take toward racial unity in our communities and churches.

Today’s episode is with my friend, Dondra Fite. You may remember Dondra from episodes 43 and 44 of her story of infertility and adoption. Now is Part 3 and it’s gonna knock your socks off! We talk about how Nothing is impossible with God, her modern day miracle that she experienced about 1 year and 9 months ago, and prioritizing silence in our lives.  Yes, yes and yes. 

God does a work there when we get still and quiet before Him.
— Dondra Fite, Friends of a Feather Podcast, ep. 123

Quotes from the episode:

Because He is God He waited until there could be no other explanation but Him.

I believe in a world that’s gone crazy, we need some silence to be able to hear God’s voice.

Keep our eyes fixed on Him in a busy world.

He knows what’s best and He will do what’s best.

The pain I felt through infertility and the journey of adoption changed me in ways I needed that nothing else could have.

He knew who I needed to be at 41 years old.

What to do when your life didn’t turn out the way you expected:

1) Feel what you feel.

2)Pray and give God the feelings you have.

3) Find someone you trust to talk to.

4) Keep your eyes fixed on God.

What Dondra is

EATING: Trader Joe’s Dark Russet Potato Chips

READING: Rhythms of Renewal by Rebekah Lyons

LOVING:  Silence

I would love to see you over on Instagram and on FB

Remember, we are all friends of a feather so let’s stick together!

Have a great week and I’ll see you next time!