ep. 65 - How to Plan For, Write, and Record Your Podcast

The nitty-gritty of podcasting can sometimes seem overwhelming for the business owner. I get it! But, I can help! I thrive on making the hard seem doable and simple! Today, we are getting into the weekly and monthly nitty-gritty of how to keep you consistent in your podcast planning, writing, and recording.

The first thing you need to do is PLAN. Not, PLA like Pheobe says in the Friends TV Show. A full plan for your podcast content for quarter one or anytime! And part of the plan is for your podcast content.

Here are six questions to help jumpstart your thoughts toward the content of your podcast:

  • What program will I be launching in the next 3 months and what problem does it solve?

  • What problems do I see my clients struggling with the most?

  • What is on my heart that I'm bursting to say?

  • What questions am I getting most often?

  • What is something that is holding someone back from hiring me?

  • What is my ideal client searching for on Google?

Plan out your next 3 months in under 12 minutes. TWELVE!!!!!
By using these questions, you can plan your next three months of episodes in less than 12 minutes! I promise!! Know how I know? I just did it! I looked at the clock on my phone at 9:00 am and at 9:11 am I WAS DONE! I did it and you can too!!

DM me (the notepad emoji) so I'll know you are one of my podcast besties!!!

(Can't wait to see that message in my inbox!!)

This is where I make a differentiation: if you are thinking about starting a podcast but don't have one yet, I want you to brain-dump all your content ideas for your podcast. On a sheet of paper, in a Trello card, or open a new Google doc. If you ARE a podcaster already, I want you to do the 3 months of episode content planning I showed you how to do above.

The second part of the nitty gritty in podcasting weekly is writing. Okay, now that you have the podcast content planning done, you need to move on to the second step, which is to write. But this part has its own process, too.

Before we write, we are going to think. Set aside time to think. Let your mind go where it will. Let your creativity come alive!

HOT TIP: Set a timer! (I'm in love with timers, LOL) Even if it's for 5 minutes to sit and think in the quiet...I usually do this every single Monday and when I'm quiet, LOADS of new fresh content for your podcast will emerge!!

After you think, you are going to set a goal for each episode. What do you want to accomplish in this episode? What do you want to communicate? What do you want the listeners to glean from your episode? Keep the main thing, the main thing.

After setting your goals and writing them down on the episode planning you did above, write out bullet points for your tips/strategies/what to do that solve the listener’s problem. It may be an uplifting inspirational episode. Great. Whatever it is make sure your bullet points lead back to your goal for the episode.

Next, write down a story or an example of each tip you share. Just one, no need to flood your listeners with too much talking about yourself. Share one example and move on.

Finally, use a STRONG Call to Action (CTA) at the end of your episode. In doing this, you are ensuring that your goal was accomplished. If it's to get your listeners on your email list, mention a download; if it's to increase connection, get them to DM you something fun; if it's to get listeners in your group program send them to your web page.

The third part of the nitty-gritty of podcasting weekly is recording. And, in the words of Nike: JUST DO IT. I know how paralyzing perfectionism is, how self doubt can cripple you so you give up and do nothing. I GET IT. But, you have your content for the next 3 months of episodes, you have your goal set for each episode, so all you need to do now is record. Set up your microphone, glance at your bullet points, drink water, pray, and press the record button.

You, my friend are gonna rock your podcast in Quarter One. I am cheering for you!


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